The drama follows the story of an innocent young girl, Mushk, who belongs to a conservative family and her life is governed by her strict father. She has been living a sheltered life under the principles made by her father, until she meets Sahiba. Sahiba is a modern and outgoing girl, the stark opposite of Mushk. Jealousy clouds over their friendship as Sahiba ruins Mushk’s relationship with her newfound love Irtiza, as well as her family.
The drama stars Yumna Zaidi, Shahzad Sheikh, Komal Aziz, Gohar Rasheed and the rest of the ensemble cast includes Hina Bayat, Seemi Pasha, Gohar Rasheed, Manzoor Qureshi, Farhan Ali Agha, Tara Mehmood, Kiran Haq, Anum Tanveer. Penned down by Maha Malik, the drama has been directed by ace director Siraj ul Haq.
Currently garnering rave reviews for Kahin Deep Jalay, Deewangi, Munafiq and Muqaddar, 7th Sky Entertainment is the only entertainment company that has been consistently giving super hit & quality content for the audiences across Pakistan, changing the face of entertainment television in the country.
About 7th Sky Entertainment
7th Sky Entertainment (or Seventh Sky Entertainment) is one of the largest production houses in Pakistan spearheaded by Abdullah Kadwani & Asad Qureshi. As Pakistan’s premier broadcast and entertainment company, 7th Sky Entertainment has produced blockbuster & award-winning serials such as Khaani, Daam, Doraha, Dil e Gumshuda, Bharosa Pyar Tera, Sheherzad, Mairat ul Uroos, Meri Zaat Zara e Benishan, Mere Meherbaan, Mere Charagar, Roshan Sitara, Aik Pal, Noor e Zindagi, Tum Kon Piya, Khaali Haath, Hiddat, Mohabbat Tumse Nafrat Hai, Gohar-e-Nayab, and Maan.